Saturday, August 5, 2023

Coming Soon: A Six Panel Screen

A fan contacted us with this beautiful six panel piece living in the southwest.  It has been enjoyed for many years, but down-sizing means that it will be looking for a new home soon.  Please contact us for more information.  Panels of this width were not very common, but it is still a striking piece.  It is titled Screen, which may mean it was designed as a room divider.

I found one picture of the painting, at least five panels of it, hanging in the artist's home from a scanned slide.

Seen on

I found a thread where someone is asking for the value of a Ruth Dicker painting here.  A rather unassuming photo is included, but if you zoom in and crop, it's a great piece.  It looks familiar enough and in fact it appears in multiple show flyers for the Marin Civic Center and the Arlene Lind Gallery.  One references the title as Rapheal's Dream from 1981.  I'm not sure if that is a typo.

 If you are the owner of this painting, please contact us and tell us more information.