OK. First of all, we have an interested party in Colorado who is looking for some sort of poplers or aspen painting. This seems doable so we are on the lookout.
An update to Possible sighting in North Bay. Previously, there was one painting visible in this listing, but it's come on and off the market a few times. Now it has four Ruth Dicker paintings visible and they are definitely pieces from the mural that hung high above the Coffee Tree Restaurant. Unknown if the paintings are included in the Inverness listing, probably not.
Finally an update on Blue Lake - Snow Mountain For Sale. I was trying to connect with someone selling this painting and we weren't able to make it work. Then, someone emailed from Arkansas to say it was at a Los Angeles area Goodwill and we sent someone over to pick it up. It's now happily displayed on a new owner's wall and looks amazing. Success.
Another painting here came and went one bay... who bought it?
There's always more out there to discover so if you have some pictures or information, send it along.