Monday, October 16, 2017

Sonoma and Napa Fires

This isn't normally a current events blog, but the fires in the past week have been very difficult to watch and very difficult to process.

I didn't know for sure, but I thought that the home that Ruth lived in for many years and those of many of her friends and neighbors were lost. The current owner was nice enough to send a note to confirm that it was gone. It's a shock for me and I can't even begin to imagine for the people themselves.

This page seems to be one of the best resources in ways to help the victims and first responders:

It has been truly incredible to see fire fighters come from all of the state and the country to help out.

UPDATE: Here's a newer link that might have better ways to help:

There have also been a few people to reach out and say that their Ruth Dicker paintings have been destroyed.  They are interested in replacing them, if possible, so if there are more paintings out there in the community available, please reach out.

Friday, August 25, 2017

After the Road from 1961

There was a gap in paintings between the early 40's in school and around 1960, when Ruth started painting more again... here is one of the earlier pieces from 1961, After the Road.  I see that this one was actually posted once before.

Peruvian Piece from 1963

Wow look at this wood construction piece from 54 years ago.  It is titled Peruvian Piece.  Like many inquiries, this painting has now passed between generations from the original owner to the current.

Morning Light - 1996

I'm a little behind on posting so here come a couple.

Here's a picture from a form neighbor of Ruth's titled Morning Light from 1996.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Scanned Slides and Photos #3 and #4

A few years ago, I took the rest of the slides that I had and brought them to a service that would scan all of them for me.  Time passed and I never cropped, color-corrected, labeled, de-duped etc.  Instead of waiting any longer, I decided to do some minimal de-duping and post them.

Here are Scanned Slides and Photos #3 and Scanned Slides and Photos #4.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Japanese Maple on Ebay

This owner contacted me a few months ago and somehow I forgot to post it.  It is now available for sale on ebay.  It is called Japanese Maple or Japanese Maple with Moon from 2000.  It was one of the last few paintings that I remember being worked on in the studio before she stopped painting.  I have a picture of it in my archives here.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Woods on Instagram

A user named toominht over at Instagram found a Ruth Dicker painting from 1966 name Woods.  I'd love to know where this painting is.
A Ruth Dicker's painting called the Woods, August 1966. It's gorgeous in person and a lot bigger then you think. The artist also has the same bday as me and I heard was a feisty lil spirit of a person.